
Expand any section below to learn more about the wide range of concrete products our members produce.
Concrete Paving
Concrete is an ideal material for sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and roadways.
Concrete is an attractive paving material that adds value and an aesthetically pleasing look to the surrounding landscape. Concrete Paving provides a durable surface that is able to withstand weather conditions and many freeze thaw cycles.
Benefits: Concrete is durable material that can outlast many alternative paving materials
- Reduces lighting requirements, handles large truck traffic loads
- Drastically reduces heat island effect and can contribute to Leed points for a project design.
4 x 4 Paving Technology- In response to the need for fast and strong paving repairs the industry has developed a mix design to achieve 4000 PSI in 4 Hours to minimize roadway downtime. This technology makes concrete paving the ideal material for roads, and intersections.
For more information, please visit this link.
Pervious Concrete
When it rains, pervious concrete drains…
A demonstration of water draining rapidly through pervious concrete pavement
Stormwater Runoff: The Pervious Concrete Solution
March 23, 2010—
Produced by the British Columbia Ready Mixed Concrete Association, this five-minute video illustrates the sustainable and economic benefits of pervious concrete in mitigating stormwater runoff.
See Green Building Technology in use at St Anne’s Belfield Middle School, VA: Click on “Green Features“
A joint project between Allied Concrete and VRMCA.
Final UNH Pervious Concrete Video:
UNH Pervious Concrete: 1500 Gallons in 3.5 minutes
June 20, 2008—
This video demonstrates 1500 gallons of water
passing through pervious concrete in 3.5 minutes.
Progressive Concrete—Glendale Park & Ride
March 25, 2008—ABC News—
Arizona’s first NRMCA Certified Pervious Concrete Technicians, Progressive Concrete Works, Inc., have placed and finished 140,000 square feet of ‘green concrete’ for the Glendale Park and Ride.
ASU Art Museum Pervious Parking Lot
June 11, 2007—NCE Smart Blog
This outstanding video, produced by Arizona State University student Jon Nicol, shows the placement of a pervious concrete parking lot in front of the ASU Art Museum in the Nelson Fine Arts Center on the Tempe campus.
Self-Consolidating Concrete
Self-consolidating concrete, also known as self-compacting concrete (SCC), is a highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that spreads into place, fills formwork, and encapsulates even the most congested reinforcement, all without any mechanical vibration. It is defined as a concrete mix that can be placed purely by means of its own weight, with little or no vibration. As a high-performance concrete, SCC delivers these attractive benefits while maintaining all of concrete’s customary mechanical and durability characteristics. Adjustments to traditional mix designs and the use of superplasticizers creates flowing concrete that meets tough performance requirements. If needed, low dosages of viscosity modifier can eliminate unwanted bleeding and segregation.
Since its inception in the 1980s, the use of SCC has grown tremendously. The development of high performance polycarboxylate polymers and viscosity modifiers have made it possible to create “flowing” concrete without compromising durability, cohesiveness, or compressive strength. The flowability of SCC is measured in terms of spread when using a modified version of the slump test (ASTM C 143). The spread (slump flow) of SCC typically ranges from 18 to 32 inches (455 to 810 mm) depending on the requirements for the project. The viscosity, as visually observed by the rate at which concrete spreads, is an important characteristic of plastic SCC and can be controlled when designing the mix to suit the type of application being constructed.
Flowable Fill
The versatile “liquid soil” which is placed as a flowable liquid, yet hardens and rapidly develops excellent load-bearing properties with no compaction necessary.
Flowable fill was initially developed over 20 years ago as a solution to reoccurring problems originating from poorly compacted soil or granular fill. Originally, flowable fill mixtures were comprised of large amounts of fly ash and water. Unfortunately, this type of mixture, although it has its advantages in certain applications, experienced large volume changes due to the evaporation or dissipation of the mix water. Over the past decade, extensive research and technology advancement with flowable fill mixtures has led to its use in numerous applications. These include bedding and backfill for utility trenches, paving subbase, bridge abutment and retaining wall backfill.
Recent laws passed by the Environmental Protection Agency concerning below-grade fuel tanks have resulted in an increased use of flowable fill in other void-filling applications such as abandoned tanks, basements, tunnels and mines, sewers, and other underground structures.
Flowable fill mixtures are usually comprised of combinations of cement, water, fine aggregate, and fly ash or slag. Due to the nature of the product, many materials that do not meet the quality standards for use in concrete have been used successfully in flowable fill mixtures. Chemical admixtures specifically developed for use in flowable fill mixtures have also become more commonly-used as a result of their unique benefits on the performance properties of the mixture. Your local ready-mix producer may suggest mixes varying from these components, depending on their availability and the specified project requirements. The versatility in design of the flowable fill mixtures offers numerous advantages to the specifying engineer.
Insulating Concrete Forms
ICF is a form of concrete construction using insulated foam blocks. The insulated hollowcore blocks are then filled with concrete which creates a structure that is strong and energy efficient. ICF has both residential and commercial applications.
Benefits: Ease of Construction, Strong Durable Structure, Lower costs for heating and cooling, reduced insurance costs in coastal communities, LEED Points for design and construction as well as increased Fire Resistance
Recent code changes in many coastal communities make ICF Construction a cost effective and structurally efficient way to build.
ICF Construction is an ideal building method for both residential and commercial building structures.
Concrete Homes and Commercial Buildings are a Solid Investment.
Easily Constructed and in a variety of Forms
Stamped & Decorative Concrete

- Integral Concrete Color
- Concrete Stamping
- Concrete Golf Cart Paths
- Driveways
- Sidewalks
- Polished Concrete Floors
Concrete – its not just gray anymore.